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The Injustice of Financialised Housing: A Global Phenomenon
The Green City and Social Injustice with Isabelle Anguelovski and James Connolly
Wohnungsfrage | Inequality and the Commodification of Housing: D. Madden
Covid 19 and the Global South; How can we ensure Financial Justice?
Stolen: How to Save the World from Financialisation
LSE Events | David Madden, Anna Minton, Alex Vasudevan | What Is Housing For?
Paul Mason on his vision of PostCapitalism | 08.01.2020
Nancy Fraser - Against the environmentalism of the rich
Home or Commodity? The Transformation of Housing and its Discontents
Racialized Capitalism and Intersectional Injustices in Times of War: A view from European...
Philanthropy and the State: who is funding what and why?
Designing Cities for All Special Book Talk: A Manifesto for the Just City Vol II